Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A Peptide 1


Catalog Number:


Target Antigen:

Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A Peptide 1




Rabbit Recombinant Cloned Antibody

Last Updated:


Antigen Recognition(s):

Peptide, Recombinant Full-length, Endogenous

External Links
Characterization Data [Compare Characterization Data]
Download Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( (543.0 KB)

CPTC-EIF2A-1 evaluation by the Human Protein Atlas

Result: Negative

Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas (

  IHC Tissue
Click to enlarge image Tissue Micro-Array (TMA) core of breast cancer  showing cytoplasmic and membranous staining using Antibody CPTC-EIF2A-1. Titer: 1:50 Click image to enlarge


Result: Positive

Tissue Micro-Array (TMA) core of breast cancer showing cytoplasmic and membranous staining using Antibody CPTC-EIF2A-1. Titer: 1:50


CPTC-EIF2A-1 Immunoprecipitation

Result: Negative

Immuno-precipitation performed using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as capture antibody against the over-expressed lysate of EIF2A (Myc-tagged). Eluates were tested in automated western blot using the an anti-Myc tag as detection antibody. The target protein was not pulled down.


CPTC-EIF2A-1 Immunofluorescence

Result: Negative

Immunofluorescence staining of HeLa and MCF7 cells using CPTC-EIF2A-1 antibody. EIF2A protein expression was not detected in either cell lines.

  Immunofluorescence - HPA
Click to enlarge image Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( The subcellular location is partly supported by literature or no literature is available. Immunofluorescent staining of human cell line U2OS shows localization to cytosol.

Human assay: THP-1 fixed with PFA, dilution: 1:100
Human assay: U2OS fixed with PFA, dilution: 1:100 Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-1 evaluation by the Human Protein Atlas

Result: Positive

Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( The subcellular location is partly supported by literature or no literature is available. Immunofluorescent staining of human cell line U2OS shows localization to cytosol.

Human assay: THP-1 fixed with PFA, dilution: 1:100
Human assay: U2OS fixed with PFA, dilution: 1:100

  NCI 60 Protein Array

CPTC-EIF2A-1 NCI 60 Protein Array

Result: Negative

This antibody is not suitable for use in a Reverse Phase Protein Array format as described in SOP M-105.

  Western Blot - HPA - tissue or cell lysate
Click to enlarge image Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( Band of predicted size in kDa (+/-20%) with additional bands present.
Analysis performed using a standard panel of samples. Antibody dilution: 1:500 Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-1 evaluation by the Human Protein Atlas

Result: Presumed Positive (with additional bands)

Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( Band of predicted size in kDa (+/-20%) with additional bands present.
Analysis performed using a standard panel of samples. Antibody dilution: 1:500

  Western Blot - Recombinant Protein or Peptide
Click to enlarge image Western blot using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as primary antibody against recombinant protein of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A, (EIF2A) (lane 2). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). Expected molecular weight – 64.8 kDa. Blot was developed using chemiluminescence (ECL). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-1 Western Blot Recombinant Protein

Result: Presumed Positive (with additional bands)

Western blot using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as primary antibody against recombinant protein of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A, (EIF2A) (lane 2). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). Expected molecular weight – 64.8 kDa. Blot was developed using chemiluminescence (ECL).

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Western Blot using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as primary antibody against cell lysates A549 (lane 2), HeLa (lane 3), Jurkat (lane 4), MCF-7 (lane 5), MOLT-4 (lane 6), and U87 (lane 7). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). All cell lines are positive. Expected molecular weights – 64.9 kDa, 41.3 kDa, 62.3 kDa, and 57.9 kDa. Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-1 Western Blot Cell Lysates

Result: Positive

Western Blot using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as primary antibody against cell lysates A549 (lane 2), HeLa (lane 3), Jurkat (lane 4), MCF-7 (lane 5), MOLT-4 (lane 6), and U87 (lane 7). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). All cell lines are positive. Expected molecular weights – 64.9 kDa, 41.3 kDa, 62.3 kDa, and 57.9 kDa.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of PBMC, HeLa, Jurkat, A549, MCF7 and H226. Expected MW is 65 KDa. The antibody recognizes the target in Jurkat, A549 adn H226 lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-1 (cell lysates)

Result: Positive

Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of PBMC, HeLa, Jurkat, A549, MCF7 and H226. Expected MW is 65 KDa. The antibody recognizes the target in Jurkat, A549 adn H226 lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel).


Catalog Number:


Target Antigen:

Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A Peptide 1




Rabbit Recombinant Cloned Antibody

Last Updated:


Antigen Recognition(s):

Peptide, Recombinant Full-length, Endogenous, Phosphorylation

Characterization Data [Compare Characterization Data]
Download Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( (476.3 KB)

CPTC-EIF2A-2 evaluation by the Human Protein Atlas

Result: Negative

Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas (

  IHC Tissue
Click to enlarge image Tissue Micro-Array (TMA) core of colon cancer  showing cytoplasmic and membranous  staining using Antibody CPTC-EIF2A2. Titer: 1:250 Click image to enlarge


Result: Positive

Tissue Micro-Array (TMA) core of colon cancer showing cytoplasmic and membranous staining using Antibody CPTC-EIF2A2. Titer: 1:250


CPTC-EIF2A-1 Immunoprecipitation

Result: Negative

Immuno-precipitation performed using CPTC-EIF2A-1 as capture antibody against the over-expressed lysate of EIF2A (Myc-tagged). Eluates were tested in automated western blot using the an anti-Myc tag as detection antibody. The target protein was not pulled down.


CPTC-EIF2A-2 Immunofluorescence

Result: Negative

Immunofluorescence staining of HeLa and MCF7 cells using CPTC-EIF2A-2 antibody. EIF2A protein expression was not detected in either cell lines.

  Immunofluorescence - HPA
Download Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( (476.3 KB)

CPTC-EIF2A-2 evaluation by the Human Protein Atlas

Result: Negative

Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas (

  NCI 60 Protein Array

CPTC-EIF2A-2 NCI 60 Protein Array

Result: Negative

This antibody is not suitable for use in a Reverse Phase Protein Array format as described in SOP M-105.

  Western Blot - Recombinant Protein or Peptide
Click to enlarge image Western blot using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against recombinant protein of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A, (EIF2A) (lane 2). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). Expected molecular weight – 64.8 kDa. Blot was developed using chemiluminescence (ECL). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-2 Western Blot Recombinant Protein

Result: Presumed Positive (with additional bands)

Western blot using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against recombinant protein of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A, (EIF2A) (lane 2). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). Expected molecular weight – 64.8 kDa. Blot was developed using chemiluminescence (ECL).

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Western Blot using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against cell lysates A549 (lane 2), HeLa (lane 3), Jurkat (lane 4), MCF-7 (lane 5), MOLT-4 (lane 6), and U87 (lane 7). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). HeLa, MOLT-4, and U87 are positive. A549, Jurkat, and MCF-7 are weak positive. Expected molecular weight – 64.9 kDa, 41.3 kDa, 62.3 kDa, and 57.9 kDa. Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-2 Western Blot Cell Lysates

Result: Positive

Western Blot using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against cell lysates A549 (lane 2), HeLa (lane 3), Jurkat (lane 4), MCF-7 (lane 5), MOLT-4 (lane 6), and U87 (lane 7). Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). HeLa, MOLT-4, and U87 are positive. A549, Jurkat, and MCF-7 are weak positive. Expected molecular weight – 64.9 kDa, 41.3 kDa, 62.3 kDa, and 57.9 kDa.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate

CPTC-EIF2A-2 Western Blot (Tissue Lysates)

Result: Negative

Western blot using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against human breast (2), ovary (3), spleen (4), endometrium (5), and lung (6) tissue lysates. The expected molecular weight is 65.0 kDa. Cytochrome C was used as a loading control.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of PBMC, HeLa, Jurkat, A549, MCF7 and H226. Expected MW is 65 KDa. The antibody recognizes the target in HeLa, A549 adn H226 lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-2 (cell lysates)

Result: Positive

Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of PBMC, HeLa, Jurkat, A549, MCF7 and H226. Expected MW is 65 KDa. The antibody recognizes the target in HeLa, A549 adn H226 lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel).

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of breast, ovary, spleen, endometrium and lung tissues. Expected MW is 65 Kda. The antibody recognizes the target in tested lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-EIF2A-2 (tissue lysates)

Result: Positive

Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-EIF2A-2 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of breast, ovary, spleen, endometrium and lung tissues. Expected MW is 65 Kda. The antibody recognizes the target in tested lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel).


NCI Identification Number:


Antigen Name:

Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A Peptide 1

CPTC Name:

CPTC-EIF2A Peptide 1


Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A; EIF-2A; Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A, 65kDa; 65 KDa Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A; MSTP004; MSTP089; MST089; CDA02; EIF2A


This gene encodes a eukaryotic translation initiation factor that catalyzes the formation of puromycin-sensitive 80 S preinitiation complexes and the poly(U)-directed synthesis of polyphenylalanine at low concentrations of Mg2+. This gene should not be confused with eIF2-alpha (EIF2S1, Gene ID: 1965), the alpha subunit of the eIF2 translation initiation complex. Although both of these proteins function in binding initiator tRNA to the 40 S ribosomal subunit, the encoded protein does so in a codon-dependent manner, whereas eIF2 complex requires GTP. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms.EIF2A (Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2A) is a Protein Coding gene. Among its related pathways are Photodynamic therapy-induced unfolded protein response and TGF-beta receptor signaling (Pathway Interaction Database). Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include translation initiation factor activity and ribosome binding.Functions in the early steps of protein synthesis of a small number of specific mRNAs. Acts by directing the binding of methionyl-tRNAi to 40S ribosomal subunits. In contrast to the eIF-2 complex, it binds methionyl-tRNAi to 40S subunits in a codon-dependent manner, whereas the eIF-2 complex binds methionyl-tRNAi to 40S subunits in a GTP-dependent manner.

Chromosomal Localization:


Accession Number:


UniProt Accession Number:


DNA Source:



Synthetic Peptide

Vector Name:


Extinction Coefficient:


Expressed Sequence:


Native Sequence:

Calculated Isoelectric Point:

Molecular Weight:


Last Updated:



Characterization Data


No SOPs available.

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