Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Peptide 1


Catalog Number:


Target Antigen:

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Peptide 1




Rabbit Recombinant Cloned Antibody

Last Updated:


Antigen Recognition(s):

Peptide, Endogenous

External Links
Characterization Data [Compare Characterization Data]
Click to enlarge image Immuno-MRM chromatogram of CPTC-VEGFA-1 antibody (see CPTAC assay portal for details:
Data provided by the Paulovich Lab, Fred Hutch ( Data shown were obtained from frozen tissue Click image to enlarge

CPTC-VEGFA-1 iMRM (Frozen Tissue)

Result: Positive

Immuno-MRM chromatogram of CPTC-VEGFA-1 antibody (see CPTAC assay portal for details:
Data provided by the Paulovich Lab, Fred Hutch ( Data shown were obtained from frozen tissue

  NCI 60 Protein Array
Click to enlarge image Protein Array in which CPTC- VEGFA-1 is screened against the NCI60 cell line panel for expression. Data is normalized to a mean signal of 1.0 and standard deviation of 0.5. Color conveys over-expression level (green), basal level (blue), under-expression level (red). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-VEGFA-1 NCI 60 Protein Array

Result: Positive

Protein Array in which CPTC- VEGFA-1 is screened against the NCI60 cell line panel for expression. Data is normalized to a mean signal of 1.0 and standard deviation of 0.5. Color conveys over-expression level (green), basal level (blue), under-expression level (red).

  Western Blot - Over-expressed transient protein in cell lysate

CPTC-VEGFA-1 Western Blot (Over-Expressed Lysate)

Result: Negative

Western blot using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against VEGFA transient overexpression lysate. The expected molecular weight is 45.3 kDa.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Recombinant Protein or Peptide
Click to enlarge image Western blot using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against human vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) recombinant protein produced in Pichia Pastoris. Molecular weight standards are also included. The expected molecular weight is 19.2 kDa. Click image to enlarge

CPTC-VEGFA-1 Western Blot (Recombinant Protein)

Result: Presumed Positive (with additional bands)

Western blot using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against human vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) recombinant protein produced in Pichia Pastoris. Molecular weight standards are also included. The expected molecular weight is 19.2 kDa.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Western blot using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against whole cell lysates HeLa (lane 2), Jurkat (lane 3), A549 (lane 4), MCF7 (lane 5), and H226 (lane 6). Molecular weight standards are also included. The  expected molecular weight is 27 kDa. Click image to enlarge

CPTC-VEGFA-1 Western Blot (Cell Lysates)

Result: Negative

Western blot using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against whole cell lysates HeLa (lane 2), Jurkat (lane 3), A549 (lane 4), MCF7 (lane 5), and H226 (lane 6). Molecular weight standards are also included. The expected molecular weight is 27 kDa.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate

CPTC-VEGFA-1 Western Blot (Cell Lysate)

Result: Negative

Western blot using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against human PBMC (2), HeLa (3), Jurkat (4), A549 (5), MCF7 (6) and H226 (7) whole cell lysates. The expected molecular weight is 27.0 kDa. Cytochrome C was used as a loading control.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of PBMC, HeLa, Jurkat, A549, MCF7 and H226. Expected MW is 27 KDa. The antibody does recognizes the target in Jurkat and H226 lysates, but not in the other tested lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-VEGFA-1 Simple Western (cell lysates)

Result: Positive

Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-VEGFA-1 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of PBMC, HeLa, Jurkat, A549, MCF7 and H226. Expected MW is 27 KDa. The antibody does recognizes the target in Jurkat and H226 lysates, but not in the other tested lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody (bottom panel).


NCI Identification Number:


Antigen Name:

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Peptide 1

CPTC Name:

CPTC-VEGFA Peptide 1


Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A; VPF; Vascular Permeability Factor; VEGF-A; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A121; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A165; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor; MVCD1; VEGFA


This gene is a member of the PDGF/VEGF growth factor family. It encodes a heparin-binding protein, which exists as a disulfide-linked homodimer. This growth factor induces proliferation and migration of vascular endothelial cells, and is essential for both physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Disruption of this gene in mice resulted in abnormal embryonic blood vessel formation. This gene is upregulated in many known tumors and its expression is correlated with tumor stage and progression. Elevated levels of this protein are found in patients with POEMS syndrome, also known as Crow-Fukase syndrome. Allelic variants of this gene have been associated with microvascular complications of diabetes 1 (MVCD1) and atherosclerosis. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been described. There is also evidence for alternative translation initiation from upstream non-AUG (CUG) codons resulting in additional isoforms. A recent study showed that a C-terminally extended isoform is produced by use of an alternative in-frame translation termination codon via a stop codon readthrough mechanism, and that this isoform is antiangiogenic. Expression of some isoforms derived from the AUG start codon is regulated by a small upstream open reading frame, which is located within an internal ribosome entry site. The levels of VEGF are increased during infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), thus promoting inflammation by facilitating recruitment of inflammatory cells, and by increasing the level of angiopoietin II (Ang II), one of two products of the SARS-CoV-2 binding target, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). In turn, Ang II facilitates the elevation of VEGF, thus forming a vicious cycle in the release of inflammatory cytokines. VEGFA (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with VEGFA include Microvascular Complications Of Diabetes 1 and Poems Syndrome. Among its related pathways are Cellular Senescence (REACTOME) and Signaling by GPCR. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include protein homodimerization activity and protein heterodimerization activity. An important paralog of this gene is PGF.Growth factor active in angiogenesis, vasculogenesis and endothelial cell growth. Induces endothelial cell proliferation, promotes cell migration, inhibits apoptosis and induces permeabilization of blood vessels. Binds to the FLT1/VEGFR1 and KDR/VEGFR2 receptors, heparan sulfate and heparin. NRP1/Neuropilin-1 binds isoforms VEGF-165 and VEGF-145. Isoform VEGF165B binds to KDR but does not activate downstream signaling pathways, does not activate angiogenesis and inhibits tumor growth. Binding to NRP1 receptor initiates a signaling pathway needed for motor neuron axon guidance and cell body migration, including for the caudal migration of facial motor neurons from rhombomere 4 to rhombomere 6 during embryonic development (By similarity).

Chromosomal Localization:


Accession Number:


UniProt Accession Number:


DNA Source:



Synthetic Peptide

Vector Name:


Extinction Coefficient:


Expressed Sequence:


Native Sequence:

Calculated Isoelectric Point:

Molecular Weight:


Last Updated:



Characterization Data


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