Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 1 Peptide 1


Catalog Number:


Target Antigen:

Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 1 Peptide 1




Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody

Last Updated:


Antigen Recognition(s):

Peptide, Recombinant Full-length, Endogenous

External Links
Characterization Data [Compare Characterization Data]
Download Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( (529.3 KB)

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 evaluation by the Human Protein Atlas

Result: Negative

Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas (

  IHC Tissue


Result: Negative

This antibody is not suitable for use in an Immunohistochemistry format as described in SOP M-106.

Click to enlarge image Immuno-MRM chromatogram of CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 antibody (see CPTAC assay portal for details:
Data provided by the Paulovich Lab, Fred Hutch ( Data shown were obtained from frozen tissue Click image to enlarge

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 iMRM (Frozen Tissue)

Result: Positive

Immuno-MRM chromatogram of CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 antibody (see CPTAC assay portal for details:
Data provided by the Paulovich Lab, Fred Hutch ( Data shown were obtained from frozen tissue

  Immunofluorescence - HPA
Download Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas ( (529.3 KB)

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 evaluation by the Human Protein Atlas

Result: Negative

Results provided by the Human Protein Atlas (

  NCI 60 Protein Array

CTPC-SIGLEC1-1 NCI60 Protein Array

Result: Negative

This antibody is not suitable for use in a Reverse Phase Protein Array format as described in SOP M-105.

  Western Blot - Recombinant Protein or Peptide
Click to enlarge image Western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against human sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin (SIGLEC1) recombinant protein (lane 2).  Expected molecular weight - 180.6 kDa.  Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). Click image to enlarge

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 Western Blot (Recombinant Protein)

Result: Presumed Positive (with additional bands)

Western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against human sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin (SIGLEC1) recombinant protein (lane 2). Expected molecular weight - 180.6 kDa. Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1).

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Automated western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against buffy coat (lane 2), HeLa (lane 3), Jurkat (lane 4), A549 (lane 5), MCF7 (lane 6), and H226 (lane 7) cell lysates.  Expected molecular weight - 181 kDa.  Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). Data is negative/inconclusive. Click image to enlarge

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 Automated Western Blot (Cell Lysate)

Result: Negative

Automated western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against buffy coat (lane 2), HeLa (lane 3), Jurkat (lane 4), A549 (lane 5), MCF7 (lane 6), and H226 (lane 7) cell lysates. Expected molecular weight - 181 kDa. Molecular weight standards are also included (lane 1). Data is negative/inconclusive.

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against HeLa (lane 2), Jurkat (lane 3), A549 (lane 4), MCF7 (lane 5) and NCI H226 (lane 6) cell lysates.  Expected molecular weight 182 kDa.  Molecular weight standards (MW Stds.) are also included (lane 1).  Inconclusive data. Not expected molecular weight. Click image to enlarge

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 Western Blot (Cell Lysate)

Result: Negative

Western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against HeLa (lane 2), Jurkat (lane 3), A549 (lane 4), MCF7 (lane 5) and NCI H226 (lane 6) cell lysates. Expected molecular weight 182 kDa. Molecular weight standards (MW Stds.) are also included (lane 1). Inconclusive data. Not expected molecular weight.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate
Click to enlarge image Western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against human lung (2), spleen (3), endometrium (4), breast (5), and ovary (6) tissue lysates. The expected molecular weight is 182.6 kDa. Vinculin was used as a loading control. Click image to enlarge

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 Western Blot (Tissue Lysate)

Result: Positive

Western blot using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against human lung (2), spleen (3), endometrium (4), breast (5), and ovary (6) tissue lysates. The expected molecular weight is 182.6 kDa. Vinculin was used as a loading control.

Characterization SOP Files

  Western Blot - Tissue or Cell Lysate

CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 Simple Western (tissue lysates)

Result: Negative

Automated WB (Simple Western) using CPTC-SIGLEC1-1 as primary antibody against the whole lysate of breast, ovary, spleen, endometrium and lung tissues. Expected MW is 182.6 KDa. The antibody does not recognize the target in the tested lysates. The same cell lysates were probed with an anti-CytC antibody.


NCI Identification Number:


Antigen Name:

Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 1 Peptide 1

CPTC Name:

CPTC-SIGLEC1 Peptide 1


Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 1; Sialoadhesin; Sialic Acid Binding Ig-Like Lectin 1, Sialoadhesin; SIGLEC-1; CD169; SN; Sialic Acid-Binding Immunoglobulin-Like Lectin 1; Sialic Acid-Binding Ig-Like Lectin 1; CD169 Antigen; DJ1009E24.1; FLJ00051; FLJ00055; FLJ00073; FLJ32150; Siglec-1; SIGLEC1


This gene encodes a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The encoded protein is a lectin-like adhesion molecule that binds glycoconjugate ligands on cell surfaces in a sialic acid-dependent manner. It is a type I transmembrane protein expressed only by a subpopulation of macrophages and is involved in mediating cell-cell interactions. Alternative splicing produces a transcript variant encoding an isoform that is soluble rather than membrane-bound; however, the full-length nature of this variant has not been determined.SIGLEC1 (Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SIGLEC1 include Proliferative Glomerulonephritis and Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis. Among its related pathways are Innate Immune System and Class I MHC mediated antigen processing and presentation. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include carbohydrate binding. An important paralog of this gene is CD22.Acts as an endocytic receptor mediating clathrin dependent endocytosis. Macrophage-restricted adhesion molecule that mediates sialic-acid dependent binding to lymphocytes, including granulocytes, monocytes, natural killer cells, B-cells and CD8 T-cells. Preferentially binds to alpha-2,3-linked sialic acid (By similarity). Binds to SPN/CD43 on T-cells (By similarity). May play a role in hemopoiesis.

Chromosomal Localization:


Accession Number:


UniProt Accession Number:


DNA Source:



Synthetic Peptide

Vector Name:


Extinction Coefficient:


Expressed Sequence:


Native Sequence:

Calculated Isoelectric Point:

Molecular Weight:


Last Updated:



Characterization Data


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